Street Fighter Movie Narration: Part 3

Chun Li approaches the tank and speaks to Colonel William F Guile, the handsome man commandeering the tank, asking if she can speak to him on this broadcast. Guile refuses, thus prompting Chun Li to ask him if he wants to speak to the world audience.

Guile hesitantly gives in, and snatches the microphone from Chun Li's hand. "No..." he says, "...but I do want to talk to someone - that bastard Bison!"

This angers Bison, who is still watching the report, and he narrows his eyes...

Guile continues, "I know you like to look at yourself on television you sick son of a bitch, so look at this..." and he flips Bison off! "Hi-YAH!"

Chun Li tries to take the microphone back from Guile, but he refuses to return it. "What are you doing?" she asks.

"You wanted me on TV," he replies, "I'm on TV now - leave it!!"

Bison, still offended at Guile flipping him off, turns to Dee Jay. "Dee Jay," he orders, "Break in - NOW!!"

Dee Jay presses a few buttons enabling him to hack into several news satellites orbiting Earth...

...And at this, E Honda is shocked to see the Shadaloo emblem appear on all screens in the GNT van. "What the Hell??" he gasps. He then takes out a com-link and speaks into it: "Balrog! Balrog! Can you believe this??"

A handsome black gentleman holding a camera in hand and filming all of this replies, "Believe this, Honda? Man I'm shooting it!"

And no sooner does he say this, than all screens around the city display the fearsome image of Bison. The bastard's image can even be seen on the small screen on Balrog's camera! Guile whispers to his beautiful lieutenant Cammy, and she salutes him - then forces herself into the GNT van. E Honda holds his breath as Cammy kicks him out of the van.

"Colonel Guile!" Bison greets Guile. "Greetings! Why do you address a fellow warrior with such disrespect??"

"'Warrior' - you?" Guile asks. "How many doctors and nurses have you killed this week? How many children have you orphaned?"

Still watching this, Vega mutters to himself "Bison may be evil... but if he has killed any nurses, it's a shame the French cow Jenny de Cerna is still alive - and working for Sagat, no less! And lucky for me she can't hear me say this, as she and the rest of Sagat's thugs are awaiting Ryu and Ken's arrival..."

Guile is still focused on Bison addressing he...

"You will choke on those words, Guile..." Bison scoffed, offended at Guile's words.

"Anytime, dickhead!" Guile smirked. "We'll go worldwide, just like now!"

But then Dee Jay notices something...

"General!" he tells Bison. "They're tracing this!"

Bison smiles evilly as a very sinister thought comes to mind. "You think you're so clever, Guile? Think about this..." And he takes a remote out of his pocket, raises it into the air and points it at a countdown clock. He presses a button... and the time on the clock begins to count down from 72 hours. "You have three days! If my $20 billion are not delivered by then, the hostages will die... and the world will hold you responsible! Victory!!"

And at this, Bison's troopers and others there including Dee Jay repeatedly salute Bison and chant his name.

"You hostages!" Guile calls out. "Can you hear me? We're coming! Charlie! Charlie can you hear me buddy? We're coming! We're coming!!" Thankfully he does have enough time to say this, before Bison breaks off...

Cammy then returns to Guile's side and sighs, "We couldn't trace it, he broke off too soon..."

Guile sighs, then tosses Chun Li's microphone back to her. "You know, for a minute you were almost useful..." and he walks away.

Chun Li then approaches Cammy. "He doesn't like women, does he?" she asks.

"Oh no," Cammy replies. "No, he doesn't like journalists, I assure you it's an equal opportunity dislike..."

Another evil smile appears on Bison's face at the mentioning of the name Charlie. The troopers are still holding a third AN trooper, but his face is covered with a cloth - at least until one trooper removes the cloth, revealing the young man's handsome face. Bison approaches the man and snatches his dog tags off of him.

"'Carlos Blanka'..." Bison mutters, reading the dog tags. He then looks up to the trooper and continues, "...Charlie, so you are Guile's friend..." and to the troopers he orders, "...Take him to the laboratory..."

The troopers salute, and one of them knocks Charlie around the back of his head, rendering him unconscious, as they drag him away...

An hour or so later, as night begins to fall, Sagat's entire thugs are gathered at the docks at Shadaloo Port. Among them is a cruel French neo-Nazi named Jenny de Cerna, who herself is Sagat's second-in-command after she cruelly attacked a Vega fan sect which Sara and Raven themselves actually belong to - and worst of all, Jenny had especially attacked one fan whom Vega's many fans had in fact declared as their leader! Thus, Sagat could find no person better than Jenny to assist him in eventually betraying and killing Vega.

Sagat's other thugs are also extreme Vega haters -among them, the evil Lex and his gang- and they are as eager as Jenny is as they wait for... whatever they're waiting for...

"How much longer before the boat arrives?" Lex asks Jenny.

"Any minute now!" she replies. "Now I know zese guys are con-men but remember zey are instrumental in Sagat's plans - especially Ryu, I mean Herr Hoshi. My honey Albert even wants Herr Hoshi to give me away when we get married!"

"Woohoo!" exclaims another thug, named Bruno.

"Any word from him, by the way?" asks White Wolf.

"Oh oui..." Jenny replies. "He phoned just as His Excellency General M Bison captured zose hostages, he wishes us luck in our part in ze plans. I'll call him again on ze way back to ze Tong Warehouse, so don't you guys hesitate to let him know how you guys are..."

"Yes please ma'am!" Bounty Hunter enthusiastically exclaims. "The sky shall soon r..."

But before Bounty Hunter can say another word, a rowboat can be seen in the distance. Aboard it are a young Japanese man and a blonde-haired American man of about the same age. Jenny and the thugs cheer wildly and wave to the gentlemen, who wave back in reply. Jenny smiles evilly and mutters, "...And so it begins... you'd better watch out, Vega..."