The Perfect Gift: A Saber Marionette J Christmas

(Before I start, I wanna dedicate this fic to the memories of 3 musical giants: 2 of Houston's biggest rap legends Chad "Pimp C" Butler of UGK (1973-2007) and Kenneth "Big Moe" Moore (1974-2007) & one of the foremost legends in rock & roll Mr. Ike Turner (1931-2007). They may be gone but the influence lives on as with their music)

(It's Christmas Eve on the planet of Terra 2 and all the nations of the planet are all aglow for the most beautiful of holidays. Nowhere is this more true than in the country of Japoness, the homeland of Otaru Mamiya & his famous otome kairo (maiden circuit) Sabers: Lime, Cherry, & Bloodberry, where they are preparing to celebrate the day of Christ's Birth in their home/restaurant)

Lime: Wow Otaru, look how pretty Japoness looks!

Otaru: That's right Lime. This is what Christmas is like, a time of joy, beauty, giving, and peace.

Cherry: Master Otaru, I've got Christmas dinner almost ready for tomorrow.

Otaru: Thanks Cherry as always. You sure are the best cook in all Terra 2 and that's the Gospel truth.

Cherry: (flattered) It's nothing for my dear master Otaru. (Goes off into one of her many Otaru fantasies and goes into a romantic frenzy)

Lime: Cherry, are you OK?

Cherry: (realizing) Oh… yes Lime I'm fine. By the way, Bloodberry should be back with the supplies for the party.

Otaru: Good. This is gonna be a great Christmas.

Lime: Yay Christmas! I can't wait for it! All those presents under the tree waiting for me to open them it's gonna be fun, Otaru!

Otaru: That it is Lime but remember that Christmas is about giving more than receiving so don't get greedy. God gave the gift of His Son on that first Christmas so the whole world could know Him.

Lime: Sorry Otaru. I'm just too excited.

Otaru: It's alright Lime. I understand.

(Bloodberry comes back from her shopping for the Christmas party)

Bloodberry: I'm home guys!

Otaru: Great job Bloodberry. You're quite good at shopping.

Bloodberry: You're too sweet Otaru! (Hugs Otaru tightly)

Cherry: *Ahem* aren't you a little too in the mood Bloodberry?

Otaru: (In pain) Thanks Bloodberry now lemme go.

Bloodberry: Oh sorry. (Drops Otaru) Take a look at the stuff I got for the party.

Lime: I wanna see! I wanna see!

Cherry: Calm down Lime.

Bloodberry: Like I was saying, what I got are decorations, Christmas music, desserts, and a little sake to kick up the mood.

Cherry: Bloodberry, we know how you are with sake. Don't go overboard with it this time.

Otaru: Cherry's right, Bloodberry. Promise us you won't go crazy on the sake.

Bloodberry: I promise. BTW Otaru, I got some mistletoe for us.

Otaru: (Nervous) Uh… thanks Bloodberry

(Suddenly Mitsurugi Hanagata interrupts)

Hanagata: Did someone mention mistletoe with MY Otaru?!

Otaru: Oh… Merry Christmas to ya, Hanagata.

Hanagata: And the very same to you my dear Otaru! Now come give your loverboy a little Yuletide smooch.

Otaru: You gotta be joking.

Hanagata: No joke, precious. Now pucker up!

(As Hanagata tries to kiss Otaru, Bloodberry cuts him off at the pass and knocks him clear outta the sky)

Bloodberry: Good riddance to bad rubbish. (Looks lovingly into Otaru's eyes) Now where were we, Otaru-dear?

Lime: Hey kiss me too Otaru!

Cherry: Master Otaru, I'm waiting…

Otaru: (Nervous) Uh… don't you guys think we have a party to prepare for?

Voice: You guys aren't gonna have a party without us now would you?

(The voice was from Tiger, one of Faust's Saber Dolls. She along with Luchs & Panther came by to enjoy the party)

Lime: Hi Tiger! What a surprise!

Cherry: You came for the party?

Luchs: Yes but we also came with a message for you from Lord Faust.

Otaru: What's with Faust? Isn't he with you?

Panther: No. Read this.

(Otaru reads Faust's letter. It stated that he was in search of "the perfect gift" for his Saber Dolls)

Otaru: So I take it that Faust isn't coming?

Luchs: Exactly. Not until he's found his gift.

Panther: He left us just shortly before we woke up.

Cherry: I see. Well you all are always welcome to our place anytime especially around Christmas.

Tiger: You all are very sweet. Thank You.

(The Dolls came into Otaru's abode and while they did have fun, they also were concerned heavily about their master Faust. It was at the same time that Yumeji, Hanagata's little brother came over and started playing with his good friend Lime; Cherry was in the kitchen with Luchs teaching her how to cook the Christmas dinner; and Bloodberry was getting drunk off of sake with Panther. Tiger however was in the upper room looking out into the young night sky with the entire nation of Japoness all glowing with Christmas lights pondering the whereabouts of her beloved Lord Faust. It was at this time that Otaru came in the room.)

Otaru: Tiger why aren't you down here with the rest of us? Are you tired?

Tiger: No, it's just…

Otaru: I see. You're wondering where Faust is.

Tiger: Yes. It's been disturbing my mind all day.

Otaru: Oh Tiger. You really do love him?

Tiger: Yes with all my heart and soul.

Otaru: He'll return. Faust has changed now and you and the other Dolls know it. He's no longer like an abusive husband to you.

Tiger: I know that. He's returned to the Faust I remember from long ago when he was a boy. Back then I loved him like a son and lover that I would one day be at his side. My love for Lord Faust is no different from the love that Lime and the others have for you Otaru Mamiya.

Otaru: Tiger…

Tiger: Well I must be off to bed now. Thank you so much for your understanding and hospitality, Otaru Mamiya.

(As Tiger leaves for bed, she kisses Otaru quite passionately; visualizing him as her beloved Lord Faust for that one moment. Otaru was stunned at what just happened but soon left as he too was getting tired for after all tomorrow would be Christmas Day. Also everyone downstairs were getting tired as well and headed off to bed to be awaken on that glorious morning.)

(The next day: Christmas morning has arrived and the beautiful tree was surrounded with presents.)

Otaru: Merry Christmas everyone!


Cherry: All right, I've got Christmas breakfast ready. Come & get it!

Lime: Breakfast time! Breakfast time! My favorite part of any morning!

Bloodberry: Hey Lime save some for all of us here, too.

Otaru: Man Cherry you outdid yourself this time.

Cherry: Master Otaru you're too kind. Actually I didn't do all this myself; I had Luchs to help out as well.

Panther: Luchs?! You actually cooked?

Luchs: Yes Panther. Are you scared to taste my cooking?

Panther: Well I guess if Cherry was with you in the kitchen then I'll eat it

Bloodberry: Same here!

Lime: Let's dig in!

(What Cherry & Luchs had prepared was a sumptuous Christmas breakfast: sausage links & patties, hickory-smoked bacon, fluffy Belgian waffles, warm, flaky biscuits, perfectly fried eggs, toast, grits, & fluffy pancakes with syrup and butter dripping down and fresh-squeezed juice. Everyone's mouth just drooled at the sight and after Otaru blessed the food, they feasted like almost nothing before.)

Bloodberry: This is incredibly good you 2!

Lime: I love it!

Panther: This is nothing like I've ever had before or since.

Otaru: Hey like I said: when you got Cherry in the kitchen, she can make anything taste great and Luchs, you did a great job as well.

Luchs: Thank you so much Otaru Mamiya. And just think how much I'll cook for Lord Faust.

Panther: That reminds me; Tiger hasn't gotten up yet.

Luchs: That's right. I hope she's feeling well

Lime: I'm sure she is. I'll go check on her.

(Lime goes upstairs to see Tiger looking out on Japoness on Christmas morning.)

Lime: Merry Christmas Tiger!

Tiger: Merry Christmas to you too Lime.

Lime: What's wrong? You look a little sad. Why don't you come down and have breakfast with us. It's really good.

Tiger: Thanks but I'm not all that hungry. I'm just…

Lime: You're still wondering if Faust will come back, right?

Tiger: Yes. I hope he hasn't forgotten us.

Lime: Don't think that, Tiger. Faust isn't like what he was before. He cares for you now.

Tiger: You know Lime, that's exactly what Otaru told me last night.

Lime: And that's the truth.

(Back downstairs, everyone was still enjoying breakfast. Yumeji & Mitsurugi Hanagata even showed up.)

Yumeji: Wow this is the best breakfast I've ever had! Great job Cherry & Luchs.

Cherry: You're such a sweet little boy, Yumeji. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

Luchs: You're too kind Yumeji and Merry Christmas.

Yumeji: Merry Christmas to you too.

Hanagata: Yes well I must say this is an impressive breakfast you whipped up but it's nothing compared to my scrumptious tofu pancakes.

Otaru: Tofu…

Bloodberry: …Pancakes?

Panther: Here lemme try 'em.

(Panther took a bite and instantly spitted it right out of her mouth)

Panther: This is some disgusting crap, you little wuss!

Hanagata: Well I can see that a savage like you can't appreciate my cooking. Otaru-dear, you wanna try them? I made them especially just for you.

Otaru: Hanagata, I got a little present for you.

Hanagata: For me?! You shouldn't have, Otaru!

(Hanagata opens the gift and it was a CD of the best of the Village People)

Hanagata: The Best of the Village People?! Otaru I love you! Now snuggle up with me under the mistletoe.

Bloodberry: Here's my present for you, Hannie!

(Bloodberry gave Hanagata a huge uppercut to his chin and knocked him clear outta their house. Lime came down with Tiger to rejoin the others as it was now time to open presents. Otaru received from his girls an IPhone and a boken; Lime got a glow-in-the-dark basketball for her and Yumeji to play with; Cherry received a Sonic Blade knife from Otaru; and Bloodberry got a pair of pink & black mixed martial arts gloves with roses & thorns on them. The Saber Dolls weren't left out either. They received 2-piece bikinis with their respective cat-themed faux fur on them. Suddenly, they heard knocking on the door.)

Otaru: Who can that be? (Opens the door)

Voice: Merry Christmas, Otaru Mamiya.

(The voice was none other than Gelhardt von Faust who had returned from his search.)

Otaru: Merry Christmas to you too Faust.

Faust: Thank you once again for taking care of my Saber Dolls and showing them what Christmas really is.

Saber Dolls: Lord Faust, Merry Christmas!

Faust: The same to you all. I'm sorry I took so long.

Luchs: We'd wait faithfully for you Lord Faust.

Panther: We know you still love us.

Faust: Thank you. Where's Tiger?

Tiger: Look no further, my dear Lord Faust.

Faust: Tiger, you look lovely as ever.

Tiger: Merry Christmas, my love.

Faust: Tiger. Luchs. Panther. Come here all 3 of you. I have something special for all of you.

(Faust has in his hands 3 small cases and gets down on bended knee in front of his Dolls)

Faust: Listen. I know that I've been like an abusive husband to all 3 of you in the past. But now you have all witnessed my reformation. I realize now that I can't see the sun without you 3 Saber Dolls at my side. I've realized also that you are the extension of my beloved Lorelei's love. (Opens the cases to reveal 3 beautiful diamond rings) All I have to say is this: Tiger; Luchs; Panther; you 3 complete me and it is only fitting that we spend the rest of our lives together.

Tiger: Lord Faust, are you saying…?

Faust: Yes. Will you do me the honor of having you 3 as my wives?

(All 3 of the Saber Dolls began to tear up when they heard Faust pop the question and they only one answer.)

Saber Dolls: YES! (All of them embrace Faust)

Otaru: Faust, these were the gift you were searching for?

Faust: Right Otaru. I had to do a lot of soul searching. That's what took me so long.

Luchs: This day finally came. We'll be together with you, Lord Faust.

Panther: This is what I waited my whole life for; to hear those words from you, Lord Faust.

Tiger: This is truly, the BEST Christmas gift ever; forever with you, Lord Faust.

Lime: Congratulations all of you!

Cherry: I'm going to cry.

Bloodberry: See ya at the wedding!

Otaru: This is truly the perfect Christmas gift; the gift of love.

Cherry: speaking of which, master Otaru; look above you.

(Otaru noticed mistletoe above him and got a little nervous as he saw his Sabers go into romantic looks)

Otaru: Now you 3 let's not get carried away.

Lime: C'mon Otaru. Kiss me!

Cherry: Master, I'm waiting for lips on mine.

Bloodberry: Gimme some sugar, Otaru!

Otaru: Hey! Wait a minute you guys!

(The 3 Japoness Sabers amorously swarmed Otaru underneath the mistletoe while Faust and his Saber Dolls continued in their loving embrace as they now are about to take the biggest step in their life: marriage.)

The End & Merry Christmas to you all!

P.S. I do not in anyway, shape, or form, support polygamy. This fic is all in fun.