The Wedding: A Saber Marionette J Valentine Fic

(As you remember in our last story, Gelhardt von Faust, the former leader of the Terra II city-state of Gartland, has popped the big question to his 3 Saber Dolls: Tiger, Luchs, and Panther. This was his Christmas gift to them all and now the time has come for the big wedding which is going to be held in the city-state of Japoness, the homeland of Faust's former rival Otaru Mamiya and his 3 Sabers: Lime, Cherry ,and Bloodberry. Otaru has been hand-picked by Faust to be his best man while the Saber Dolls hand-picked their Japoness counterparts as their maids of honor.)

Otaru: I can't believe this Faust. You're actually getting married to ALL of the Saber Dolls?

Faust: Yes. So what's your point being, Otaru?

Otaru: Nothing. I just thought you loved Tiger the most.

Faust: I do. However I cannot forgive myself if I left Luchs and Panther out of my life. My heart wouldn't allow it.

Otaru: I understand. I feel the same way about my girls. It's damn near impossible to just love one over the others. Love is confusing.

Faust: Indeed it is, Otaru Mamiya. Now let's get me fitted for my tux.

Otaru: Gotcha.

(Suddenly, Mitsurugi Hanagata appears outta nowhere and as usual, flirts with Otaru)

Hanagata: Did you say something about it's hard to love just one, Otaru? Well that's true with those silly Marionettes of yours but with yours truly, it's never hard, Otaru-dear.

Otaru: Hanagata, you're really starting to piss me off.

Hanagata: Well how about I break you off instead, my lovely Otaru? I'll be more than happy to let you in my "back door."

Otaru: You disgusting faggot!

Faust: Allow me Otaru.

Otaru: Hey, it's your wedding day. (Faust uppercuts Hanagata to kingdom come)

Faust: Thank God he's not one of the groomsmen.

Otaru: Yeah. Thank God indeed.

(While Otaru & Faust are doing their part in getting ready, in the bridal room, the Saber Dolls are getting their last minute preparations with help from Otaru's Sabers of course. Cherry was helping Luchs with her dress, a traditional Shinto-style wedding dress; Bloodberry aided Panther with her dress, an almost rather revealing dress that fitted her style just perfectly. Also, Panther grew her long, flowing, beautiful blonde hair back for this occasion. Finally Lime dressed Tiger in the most perfect dress; of course it was the more traditional Western-style dress but Tiger shone in it. All of the Japoness Sabers are dressed in matching pink and white dresses.)

Lime: Wow, you all look so beautiful in your dress!

Cherry: I must echo those statements myself too, Lime.

Bloodberry: Smokin' hot! You're gonna knock Faust dead at the altar.

Luchs: Thank you all of you for getting us ready for this moment with our Lord Faust.

Panther: Now I can finally show my love to Lord Faust just like I tried to do with Otaru.

Bloodberry: Watch it Panther. Otaru's still MY man!

Cherry: I believe Master Otaru belongs to me, you busty hussy!

Lime: Calm down you two. This is their wedding day. One day this could be us.

Cherry & Bloodberry: You're right.

Tiger: This is a beautiful dress Lime. You do have great taste you know.

Lime: It's nothing Tiger. I just love you and the others

Tiger: I love you too Lime. Lord Faust and we are going to be unified for eternity.

(Just then, Lorelei, along with the Imperial Guards Baiko & Tamasaburo, enters the dressing room.)

Lorelei: Hey girls. Just came to see if everyone's ready for the big moment.

Panther: We sure as Hell are!

Bloodberry: Hey Panther, you're getting a little to excited aren't ya?

Panther: Sorry. I've just been waiting for this moment all my life.

Luchs: So have we, Panther.

Panther: I haven't left you & Tiger out of this so chill out, Luchs.

Lorelei: My, aren't all of you spirited this day.

Cherry: What are you going to be in the wedding Ms. Lorelei?

Lorelei: I'm glad you asked Cherry. I'm the matron of honor.

Tiger: That's wonderful.

Baiko: It would seem fitting since all of you are based in someway from Ms. Lorelei's own personality.

Tamasaburo: Now without any further ado, let us be going. We'll be happy to escort you.

Lime: All right!

(Back outside Japoness Castle, all of Japoness and even many from Gartland are anxiously awaiting for the ceremony to begin. Japoness' resident inventor/mad scientist Gennai Shiraga has been chosen to officiate over the ceremony. Otaru and Faust are already out waiting on the arrival of the bridal party. Hanagata also is a groomsman out of the goodness of Otaru's heart for this one time. When it came time for Faust to make his way down the aisle, he marched to the 3rd stanza of the Deutschland Lied, the national anthem of Germany.)My Music\National Anthems\European Anthems\Deutschland Lied.mp3 Hanagata: Thanks for letting me be a groomsman Otaru.

Otaru: Think nothing of it…literally.

Hanagata: Thank you too, Faust; even though you did uppercut me earlier.

Faust: I had to show some level of kindness to you this day Hanagata, but next time it's back to normal.

Otaru: That's right. Now shut up and look nice the wedding's about to begin.

(As the bridal march music played, everyone stood up as Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry marched down the aisle and soon after them, the Saber Dolls, along with Lorelei, marched down the aisle. Faust couldn't have been any happier or any nervous either. He was taking the biggest step of his life, but nevertheless, he was ready. These were the girls that have watched over him since he was a boy and were at his side when he was the evil, abusive Fuehrer of Gartland. Now times are different and Faust vowed to himself that he would show his utmost love to his soon-to-be wives.)

Gennai: Alright, let's get this going. Dearly beloved, we are all gathered here from all parts of Terra II under the sight of The Almighty God to witness the union of Gelhardt von Faust and the lovely Saber Dolls: Tiger, Luchs, and Panther. If there be anyone who opposes this wonderful union, let them speak now, or forever hold your piece. Now who giveth these women away?

Lorelei: I do.

Gennai: Very well. Now Faust, ladies, you all are aware that marriage is the most sacred union on this and every other planet. You all will pledge eternal love and fidelity to each other. Now girls I want you to realize that you are not marrying each other but rather you are becoming the wives of Faust. As for you Faust, you, as their husband, must sustain and defend the honor of your wives and pledge eternal and unconditional love now and forevermore for as long as you live. Do you understand?

Faust: I understand firmly and truly.

Gennai: Very well then. Now bring forth the rings.

(Hanagata's little brother Yumeji walked up the aisle as the ring bearer and handed the rings to Gennai.)

Gennai: The ring is a universal symbol of infinity. It is to unite one another for eternity and gold is one of the most precious of metals; symbolizing how precious this union is.

(Faust placed the rings on the ring fingers of each of the Dolls and recited the pledge of the ring.)

Gennai: Do you, Gelhardt von Faust, take these women to be your lawfully wedded wives; to have and to hold; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health; for as long as you all shall live?

Faust: I do.

(Now it was the Dolls turn and Tiger, representing all the Dolls, placed the ring on Faust's finger and they recited the pledge in unison.)

Gennai: Do you, Saber Dolls Tiger, Luchs, and Panther, take Gelhardt von Faust as your lawfully wedded husband; to have and to hold; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health; for as long as you all shall live?

Saber Dolls: (in unison) We do.

Gennai: Then let what God brought together; let no man tear a sunder. By the power vested in me by the city-state of Japoness, I now pronounce you husband and wives. Faust, you may now kiss your brides.

(When the time came, Faust passionately kissed Luchs, then Panther, and finally but not least, Tiger amongst the roaring approval of the crowd before them.)

Gennai: Ladies & gentlemen, it is my distinct pleasure that I introduce you all to the new Mr. and the 3 Mrs. Gelhardt von Faust! (Everyone applauds loudly)

(Faust and his new wives march down the aisle to Luther Vandross' wedding standard, "Here & Now.")

Otaru: Congratulations you guys!

Lime: I'm proud of all of you all!

Cherry: Have a wonderful life together!

Bloodberry: Give him what he wants every night!

Cherry: Bloodberry…shame on you.

Bloodberry: Oh give the prude act a rest, flats.

Otaru: Easy you two. Hey Faust!

Faust: Yes Otaru.

Otaru: You did it. You made the big leap without cold feet.

Faust: It wasn't all me. You had a great deal in this; giving me the confidence to go through with this and most importantly, showing me that these otome kairo Marionettes are just as human as any real human woman.

Otaru: I'm touched Faust.

Panther: Thanks for being here, girls.

Luchs: It wouldn't have been possible without you 3

Tiger: Thank you all so much for bringing us and Lord Faust together forever.

Lime: You're welcome

Cherry: Come back here anytime you're in town

Bloodberry: Our home is always open to ya.

Tiger: Well you see we're actually going to be living in Japoness not far from you so there's no worry

Lime: Cool! Well enjoy you're honeymoon!

Tiger: We will. (The Japoness Sabers and Saber Dolls kiss each other goodbye)

Otaru: Well I can't be any happier for Faust.

Lime: Us neither Otaru. Now when are you gonna marry us?

Otaru: (uneasy) I…uh…haven't planned on that yet.

Cherry: Master, I can't wait to be your blushing bride.

Bloodberry: Otaru-honey, marry me!

Otaru: Wait a minute, girls! This is rushing it a bit isn't it?

(Otaru's Sabers all pounce amorously on him and as usual smother him with all their love and affection while Faust and his new Saber Doll wives go off to their honeymoon in Xian, the city-sate that resembles ancient China for a night of wedded bliss and romance that they'll remember for the rest of their lives)

Author's Note: Remember this is all in fun. I do not endorse or condone polygamy in anyway, shape, and/or form. Heterosexual monogamy is what god intended for marriage.

The End