"Leroy, wait," Chavo tried to reason with the driver.

"Sorry, we have to do something about this." Looking at his brother he could see that Carlos wanted to act as well, but something was holding him back. It was easy to guess which way Reiko would jump with Vega involved, Shabazz on the other hand seemed less certain.

"What about you?" Leroy brought the truck up to Carlos and Reiko. Before Reiko could say anything Carlos spoke for them all, he hoped.

"We will need time to prepare." Ignoring the look Reiko gave him he added, "wait for us and we will join you."

"You can't be serious." Reiko turned to Chavo, figuring maybe he could say something. "Tell him this is a bad idea."


"We know why you are here Agent Francesca." Lieutenant Tom Derwant was in command of the boarder patrols in the region, and explained his handling of the accusations. "I had investigated the conduct of the men and women here, and there is no evidence of them assaulting Mexicans."

"Nonetheless Washington is concerned enough to keep the case open," Francesca explained, the agent's voice thick with a Spanish accent. Derwant figured that would show a lack of bias.

"You're free to interview anyone here of course but their stories will be the same." Derwant figured it was best to be patient even though he knew the FBI were wasting their time.

"Then you might like to look at this." Francesca handed over a sheet of paper, a photocopy of a payment slip for a car rental. "This was two weeks ago, recognise the name at the top of the page?"

"Dennis Kramer." Tom's voice was quiet, and not a little shocked. On it's own it might not have been a problem, but it seemed he rented a black van, like the ones American soldiers were accused of using in their raids. That was of significent concern. "There must be some mistake."

"Maybe," Francesca offered, entertaining the possibility. "We see how he reacts to this when we question him."


Leroy's answer to Vega's question was to hit the gas as Shabazz jumped in the back, hoping that Carlos would make good on his word and catch up to them. Chavo however turned his attention away from the truck as it sped off and towards Reiko.

"What do you think?" he asked. Reiko didn't mince any words in her reply.

"Good riddence to bad shit." As tempted as she might have been to fire after Vega, she instead just left the rifle hang from it's strap.

"Hmm, what do you think about fighting the boarder patrols?" It was Carlos who posed the question. "You were all for it before."

"There's no need for his justice," she answered, referring to Vega while trying not to laugh at the thought of his idea of justice.

"This is important however. You know that."

"But how far are we willing to go?" Chavo demanded. "Using terrorists to attack American soldiers would doom us all."

"It has to be done." Clearly Carlos thought the ends justified the means. "We have to show that we are not going to be victimised."

"That's important, but how many of us are going to be sacrificed in doing so?" It was at that point that Reiko stepped in.

"Whoever's behind it struck again here." On Chavo's reaction she added, "just a half hour ago." He thought for a moment, knowing his brother was prepared to go and attack without thinking of the consequences.

"Alright, at least let me try and find where the attacks are coming from. Give me more time." Carlos didn't want to defy his brother, but as far as he was concerned they were out of options.

"There might still be a chance to save the kids that were taken if we act now." He moved, figuring that with Vega on their side they stood a good chance. "Join us or stay, either way we have to settle this."