Disclaimer: I don’t own Street Fighter. I don’t own the characters. But I do own Hsu Bo-An, Xu Andrew, and Tran Peony the landlady. So don’t take them without my consent.

Prologue: After the nightmare ends

It’s dark; the night sky was pitch black. Slowly the moon appears and it starts to rain as it rises. A young teenage girl about 15 years of age, quickly runs to find her village to escape the rain. She had left to do a little late night fishing before coming home from training. Her clothes were now drenched clinging to her body, and she shivers as her skin gets cold and clammy. As she hurries home lightning and thunder had already came, all the more reason to run home. Her breathing gets harder, the cold air makes it feel like sharp knives ripping through her lungs. Her heavy breathing makes the lungs feel like they’re being squeezed in between the rib cages.

Blood-curdling screams of terror and fear catches her attention and she realizes that it’s coming from her village. She loses a shoe in the mud as she runs. When she arrives home to the foot of her village, she drops her catch at the sight she saw.

Her village was being attacked and destroyed by soldiers. They were killing people left and right leaving behind a pool of blood. The rain washes away the blood, but it just won’t stop. The screams pierce her deep into her flesh straight into her heart.

Their leader was a tall muscular man. His uniform was blood red with his cape flowing behind him. He gave off a blue aura; the negative energy he was giving off made the hairs on the girl’s neck stand on end. To his generals and followers he was a powerful leader, but to those who feared him, his name was M.Bison.

Quickly the girl ran straight into the village. She wanted to reach her house to get to her father and young cousin. She catches the attention of some soldiers and start to surround her. There were 4 of them and one of her, an unfair match.

On of the soldiers took out his bowie knife and ran towards her, but she was able to grab his wrist and twist his arm behind his back and elbow jab him. Then another one hit her in the back of the head with the handle of his gun knocking her to the mud. As he was about to shoot she pushed herself up by her hands; in mid air she did the splits and preformed a motion of kicks that resembled a whirlwind. When she recovered her stance the 2 remaining soldiers forced her to the ground.

"If you wanted to kill me, you could have done that a long time ago!" She screamed trying to resist.

"We’re not going to kill you, that’s not what we want!" One of the soldiers whispered in her ear.

The girl arched her eyes and grit her teeth. She used what’s left of her strength to knock them away from her. She got into stance and ran towards them and did a flying kick. Although nothing happened to her she still felt defiled, and that’s something she could never forgive. She got into a different stance by lifting one leg in the air and preformed one thousand tearing kicks.

After she defeated the 4 soldiers she finally reached her house. She searched the beds but only found her 5 year old cousin Andrew. Andrew was in his blue p.j’s. with feet and mittens, complete with a dog hood. He was scared and crying, he had no idea what was going on.

"Chun-Li what’s going on? I’m scared!" Andrew cried with tears in his eyes.

"It’s okay everything’s going to be okay, Come on let’s go."

Chun-Li then wrapped Andrew in his blanket and carried him out of his room. She wondered where her father was as she was trying to get Andrew to stop crying. When she opened the door she saw her father outside facing Bison.

"Oh no! Father!" Chun-Li gasped to herself.

Chun-Li’s father was a well respected man at the village and a good fighter to boot. He valued justice and the safety of his village over his own life. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his daughter and nephew watching.

"If you don’t surrender, Then I’m sure your children would convince you!" Bison threaten.

"Bastard!" Chun-Li’s father shot back.

He charged at Bison with full force, his first attack was an elbow jab. Bison countered with an elbow block, and struck with his scissors kick. His kicks ripped through Chun-Li’s father and knocked him to the ground. He wiped the blood off his lips and strikes with the heaven ascend kick. But Bison grabbed his ankles and slammed him to the mud. He continually kicked at his side, and Chun-Li’s father was gasping in pain.

"No Uncle!" Cried the small child.

"Andrew don’t look." Chun-Li hushed Andrew as she covered his eyes.

Bison stopped his assault and cracked a cold smile. Then with his massive hand he grabbed her father by the throat. Slowly but surely the life was being throttled from his throat.

"Stop it." Chun-Li whispered sobbing.

Struggling gasps for air could be heard.

"Stop it please."

The sound of people crying rings in the air.

"STOP IT!!!"

Chun-Li left Andrew and ran out trying to save her father. She tries to jump kick Bison, but he back handed her knocking her aside. His attention now focused back at her father, he prepared to shatter his soul with his psycho powers. He places his hand on the victim’s chest, his eyes were glowing an ice blue. Then a beam of light pulsated through the victim’s body. Screams of pain echo on the air as Bison maliciously laughs at his pain.

Chun-Li gets up and coughs mud out of her mouth, she’s very fatigued but manages to see what happened. All she could do was sit there and watch, she was in so much shock it’s as if time had stopped. Her senses had shut down, she couldn’t breath, she could think of nothing. The only thing she could hear was the rapid beating of her heart.

Chun-Li’s father looks at her for the last time, his eyes were glazed with a sheet of oil-like coating. She knew then he couldn’t see anymore. He struggled to breath, he coughed up blood and took his last breath. Bison gives a cocky smirk as he loosens his grip, and he slowly drops the body to the muddy ground.


With a gasp of air Chun-Li wakes up from the nightmare. Her breathing gets heavier and heavier as she is drenched in cold sweat. She cradles her head with her hands and does some light sobbing.

She looks out her bedroom window and notices that it’s raining. She stares blankly as the rain drops patter on the porch with rhythm. She gets up from bed and slips on a thick bathrobe. She looks at he alarm clock and the time reads 5:30 am. When she approached the window, she slides the door open and stands outside on the porch.

" It’s raining, just like that one night...." Chun-Li thinks to herself. "...standing here, I look up towards the raining sky, so I won’t let the world see my crying eyes. It’s funny, because here I am, the Strongest Woman in the world, trembling like a scared child."

Author’s Note: That’s the end of the prologue, more to come so hang tight. Was it good, or bad? Please Let me know and please no flames on saying how I should never write again this is my first Street Fighter fic, constructive criticism is highly appreciated.