Andy: I can't believe it! You' guys are....

Terry: That's right, Andy, we got a ride to your wedding.

(Standing in front of the boys were none other than the Autobots Jazz & Prowl)

Joe: Well lookie who's here, if it ain't Jazz & Prowl! Man, I ain't see you guys for a long damn time.

Jay: Youse 2 are Autobots? Man, that's f**kin' nooch!

Jazz: Aw, it ain't nuthin' guys.

Prowl: As Autobots, we're always glad to lend friends a hand. Speaking of which, I heard you & Mai are gettin' married today.

Andy: Yeah, but thanks to 2 guys we all know, our ride is totally screwed.

Jay: Hey why the f**k you lookin at us for?

Jazz: Now hold on, that's why we're here, baby.

Terry: Thank God, but it's 7:30, and the wedding's at 8.

Andy: So we got 30 minutes to get there, or Mai will think I got cold feet.

Prowl: That's why we're here. We can get you there in no time. Jazz, you ready?

Jazz: Always, Prowl baby!

Andy: All right! Let's hit it!

Jay: Naga-naga nooch! This is gonna be f**kin sweet, right Silent Bob?

(Silent Bob nods in agreement)

( Jazz transforms into his signature Porsche mode & Prowl into his police car mode)

Jazz: You guys hop into me. I'll be doin' the drivin' from now on.

Prowl: And I'll provide an escort to get you guys there faster.

Andy: Hold on, Mai, I'm comin'!

Joe: Let's kick it!

( As the 2 Autobot warriors took our heroes to the cathedral, back at the cathedral, Mai & the rest of the wedding party continued to wait. Mai, however, remained in good spirits, but was also worried)

Mai: Oh girls, I just can't thank you enough for being here on this special day for us.

King: Anything for you, Mai, but now where's Andy?

Chizuru: You wouldn't suppose he got cold feet & didn't get out of bed, would you?

Mai: Don't ever say that MY Andy would chicken out on our wedding day!

Athena: We're not calling him chicken, but you know how men are.

Blue Mary: Yeah, well tell that to Jennifer Wilbanks. (the infamous runaway bride, Double H)

Mai: She was just a loon besides, MY Andy wouldn't lie to skip out our wedding.

Blue Mary: Don't worry, Mai, Andy will be here.

Mai: Thanks Mary.

( As the girls comfort Mai, the rest of Andy's groomsmen continued to wonder themselves, too)

Ryo: Man, it's 7:45 & they're still not here.

Robert: Now chill, my bro-in-law.

Kim: Yeah. Both Terry & Andy are men of their word. Joe, that's a different story, naw, I'm just kiddin', he's cool, too.

Ryo: But time's runnin' out. I can't be in this tux forever.

Robert: Oh quit your bitchin' Ryo. You could stand to have some of my savior faire rub off on you.

( Just then, Capoiera fighter, as well as the minister of the ceremony Bob Wilson showed up)

Bob: Hey hey boys. What y'all standin' there for now?

Kim: Just waitin' for the man of the hour to show up.

Bob: Really now? Then explain why that police car & that Porsche be out there now.

Ryo: Police car.....Porsche?

Robert: What're you talkin' bout?

Bob: Look outside, mon.

( The groomsmen run outside & just as told, there was a Porsche & a police car outside the church. Little did they know that the 2 vehicles were really Jazz & Prowl, and that Andy, Terry, Joe, as well as Jay & Silent Bob were in there, until they transformed, that is)

Jazz: We're here.

Andy: And not a moment too soon.

Prowl: Congratulations Andy! You can do it

Terry: Thanks guys. You're real lifesavers.

Jazz: Anytime Terry. We'll wait outside for ya.

Joe: Oh yeah! let's get it crackin'!

( Meanwhile, Mai heard the commotion, but she was shocked to see who it was)

Mai: ANDY!!! You're finally here!!

Andy: Oh Mai, you're just as beautiful as I envisioned.

( Mai was overtaken with delight & lept into Andy's arms for a deeply loving embrace)

Andy: I love you, Mai Shiranui.

Mai: And I love you too, Andy Bogard, my husband, my love.

Bob: Whoa whoa whoa hold on now there mon. Ya might wanna save the lovey- dovey after the wedding. Now do you, Andy Bogard, take Mai ta be ya wife? In sickness & in health, under tha sight of Jah, for as long as ya live mon?

Andy: I do.

Bob: Now do you, Mai Shiranui, take Andy ta be ya husband, in all the commitments I've said, under tha sight of Jah, for as long as ya live?

Mai: You know I already do.

Bob: Well now, by tha power vested in me,and by the city of Southtown, I now pronounce ya man & wife. Ya may kiss ya bride now, mon.

( Andy & Mai gave each other the deepest, most passionate kiss ever. Everyone cheered for the new couple)

Terry: All right, Andy!

Joe: I knew ya had it in ya!

Jay: Way to go, you lucky f**k!

Jubei: Now that the wedding's done, Let's party!!

Jay: I'm with the old dude. C'mon Silent Bob.

Terry: You mean you 2 are gonna study under Master Jubei?

Jay: F**k no! We heard he's got mad sluts.

Andy: Is all you 2 ever think about is gettin' high & girls?

Jay: Let me think....Hell yeah! Snootch to the Nooch!

Silent Bob: Word.

[The End]