All star dueling tournament: Part 46

Zane opens a vault in the depths of the lowest level in Kaiba Corp and takes out Seto Kaiba's deck. He walks pass the security guards to the elevator and takes the elevator to the highest level on the roof where Seto Kaiba was and hands him over his deck. "Here you go. If you want I can practice dueling with you until you are ready to duel Kage?" Zane also adds in that if Seto Kaiba wanted to borrow any of the rare cards that he had in his deck then he can do so.

"I don't need to borrow yours or anyone else's cards. I rely only on myself to win and keep your cybers, legendaries and sacred beast cards as you need them." Seto replied back to Zane and thanked him for the offer to help him practice for the duel with Kage. However Seto first had to see if all of his special cards were still in his deck including the new ones he never used before.

Zane respects Seto Kaiba's decision about not wanting help even if it means other rare and legendary cards. "When do you think you will be ready to face the Soul Seekers?" Zane had stepped up the security at Kaiba Corp to make sure that his boss wasn't disturbed as he prepared for the duel.

Alexis reads the newspaper everyday to see if there was any announcement of when the duel will be between Kage and Seto but so far there is nothing. "What is taking so long. I want to buy tickets to watch the duel."

"Get out! Stop hanging around here!" Zane notices a bunch of nosy duelists crowding outside of Kaiba Corp trying to get a sneak peak at what was going on and Zane kicks them all out of the way. He did want any of them to bother or distract his boss Seto Kaiba otherwise he would not have the time to properly prepare for the duel with Kage and could lose which would be very bad for Kaiba Corp. It didn't seem that people outside weren't getting the message as they were continuing to crowd outside Kaiba Corp in a larger group and trying to break down the doors. Zane gets mad and summons a Cyberdark Dragon to stand guard outside to scare anything away. The dragon has been ordered to eat anyone who dares to go inside Kaiba Corp. "Why can't you people just go away?"

Sephiroth watches the door as he felt an outside intruder nearby. He really wanted to leave the Soul Seekers hideout and see what was taking Seto Kaiba so long as he was very impatient. Also he wished for another chance to fight Zane again and this time he won't hold back and be so nice.