A Carnival in Darkness: Part 19

"God damn fat monster!" I-no screamed as she was now held down under the massive girth of a Snorlax which made it entirely impossible for her to fight back and even her wings were forced to dissintegrate when she was taken down by the massive body slam.

The Krabby out of nowhere was just what the doctor could order to get Axl woken up. Jumping up with a scream and the crab still attached to his nose as he runs around, Begging the crustacean to let his nose go. "Lemme go! Lemme go! Please, Lil' crustacean dude!" He screamed in agonizing pain until stopping and staring at I-no who had been taken down.

Once more made a mess out of, Raven was supremely pissed off by these hamsters, But he couldn't do anything unless given the orders to do so by That Man. His loyalty was just that much as sometimes Raven could never control his own powers unless told by That Man to do something.

Raven now was saved once more by Sephiroth and thanking him greatly. "Thank you...So much, Sephiroth...I can't understand why these damn hamsters and cats and crows are after me. Otoko-Sama...Please, Take us somewhere far away." Raven pleads afterward toward his boss.

Simply staring for now as once more Raven was brought back, That Man could not understand what was up with this timeline they had ended up in. "No...I doubt Axl Low was the source of magic being created as well as the eventual creation of Gears, But he is causing quite a great deal of havoc..." That Man says softly.

Now raising his hands above his head and allowing his sleeves to fall down to let his blue arms be revealed, Glowing as the library began to shake underground but not enough that it'd be messed up with all the books going flying. Before it all stopped and they'd have manifested in an entirely different location. Beneath...The city which at one time hosted Battle City.


Chun Li was mad and furious. She orders all of Interpol, the army, the marines and the airforce. She uses all her military power to find Axl. Chun Li desperately want Axl to be found so that she can marry him and listen to his music 24 hours a day. Sailor Pluto helped get the crab pokemon to stop pinching Axl's nose. She looked to see that I-No was temporary unable to attack any more so she decided this is a good time to escape. "Axl we have to leave here fast. Where would you like to go? To another pokemon hideout that is safe from humans or you want to hide out at the time gates which exist outside of time and space. "


"Time gates, Eh? That'd probably be the best place for me to go and hide out...Yeah, That sounds like a great place to go," Axl says with a smile and nod, Peering over to I-no who was complaining and swearing to the Snorlax on top of her to get off now and she won't kill or she was going to kill it as soon as she got it off with force.

"Oh yeah, Time Gates are best. I'm ready whenever you're ready sweetie in the fine fuku outfit." Axl says with a grin. "Ken...And a few Pokemon can come too if they like...Right?"