A Carnival in Darkness: Part 30

Ken listened to Axl talk about Megumi and knew how much he loves and misses her. He talks to Sailor Pluto. "I think you should send Axl back to be with Megumi if only for a little while. Look at how much he misses her. And can I get a bottle of wine? I think my hangover is getting better and I'm ready to drink again."


"I'm not dead. Not this time at least." Sephiroth shook himself and stands back up as he speaks to the crying hamsters. However since he took the full force of the explosion in order to save That Man's library and the hamsters he was hurt. Hurt enough to not be able to fly or use any magic. He takes a quick glance around and had no clue where they are. Sephiroth sits on the ground cross legged so it was easier for him to talk to the hamsters at their eye level. "Can you hamsters dig a tunnel back to the library or somewhere safe? I got a bad feeling about this place and I'm sure that Axl is no where near here."


"Tell you what why don't I bring Megumi over here to visit us where it is safe." Sailor Pluto raises her time staff and activated the garnet orb which opens up a portal in front of Axl. Within seconds the beautiful Megumi walks out of the portal to see Axl very surprised and happy at the same time. Sailor Pluto closes the portal and lets Axl and Megumi have a happy reunion.


Shao Kahn makes an appearance to Earth because he used the dead souls of many duel monsters to cross over. He towers over That Man and whacks him with his hammer demanding obedience. "You will serve Outworld and use your powers to destroy and conquer realms for me or face death."


"Megumi!? Is that really you!?" Axl screamed in delight as Megumi came through the portal, running over to her and picking up the beautiful woman who dressed somewhat the same as him as was the current fashion sense in their time. Hugging her and starting to cry as he explained every bit of why he vanished.

It seemed that the Megumi that Sailor Pluto summoned was just the right one who had been missing Axl for only a week after his disappearance.

"Oh thank you miss! Thank you, thank you! And Ken, My man...Drink all the wine you want!" Axl said loudly as he pulled Megumi over to the couch and sat with her on his lap and hugged her as he used some futuristic magic to make some bottles of good strong wine appear on the table.

Holding Megumi nice and tight now as he looked her over and could hardly believe that it was true, they were back together and he couldn't be happier at all.

Charlie came a bit too late as That Man smashed the head of the last ninja attacking him in, breathing roughly as he looked to the interpol police officer under the shrouding hood of his robes. "I recommend you get out of here..."

That would be when That Man was smacked by the hammer of Shao Kahn who That Man didn't even notice at first.

Groaning softly as he fixed his hood before anyone could see the somewhat youthful face beneath and he got back up to his feet, staring at the man demanding obedience from him.

"That is quite a great deal of power you have, sir. But I think it may not be enough for you to defeat me. I kindly ask that you leave me alone to my studies before I have to do to you, the same thing that I did to these ninjas...Who I take are your servants?"


Hamtaro digs as fast as he can. He dug a huge tunnel that was big enough for Sephiroth to walk in but they actually weren't that far from the library. The hamsters were able to safely get Sephiroth back inside That Man's library and was careful to close up the tunnel behind by stuffing the mud back in. Hamtaro hisses angrily at the humans in the library and with the help of other hamsters they managed to bring a new chair and table for Sephiroth to sit in. Hamtaro waited for his treat and he was hoping for more cheddar covered sunflower seeds.

Oxnard wasn't sure that it was safe for them all to be in the library given the recent explosion. "I think we should dig another tunnel back to our hamster clubhouse, this place is not safe. That human is badly injured, he won't be able to protect us if there were any more danger." Once Oxnard was able to convince the other hamsters about this he dug another tunnel all the way far far away back to the hamster clubhouse. Leaving as quickly as they came in. Oxnard closes the door to the freshly dug tunnel and hopes that Sephiroth would like living at the hamster clubhouse. "Not much but this is where us hamsters call home."