Innocence chapter 8

~Two months later April 10th 2:55pm~

Cammy was sitting on the couch "I'm nine months pregnant Ken when is she coming out?"

Ken sat next to her "I don't know wasn't she due a week ago?"

Cammy adjusted herself on the pillows "Yeah"

She laid her head on Ken's shoulder "Ken?"


"Do we have any more ice cream?"

He looked down at her and laughed "I don't know"

She ran her finger down his chest "Can you check?"

"Okay" He stood up and went into the kitchen

Cammy felt another contraction "Ow"

She adjusted herself again then stopped she felt a weird feeling between her legs she looked down

He started to look in the freezer, then he heard Cammy

"OH MY GOD KKENN! M-my water just b-broke"

He went back into the living room and Cammy was looking at him surprised and smiling slightly

"K-Ken she's coming"

Ken went to her and helped her stand up they walked outside as quickly as possible and got into the car. Cammy was now holding her stomach with her eyes closed gripping Ken's leg as he was driving

"K-Ken hurry up p-please" She was in pain

He looked at her "Okay"

They made it to the hospital and the doctors took Cammy in. She was still holding onto Ken's hand while they rushed her to the delivery rooms

She was trying to steady her breathing she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him


He looked at her

"C-call Chun-li a-and Ryu please"

"Okay" The doctors took her into the room and Ken went to call them

He went into the waiting room and dialed

It rang twice


"Yeah...Ryu, Cammy is in labor now and she wanted me to tell you two so you can come"

"Okay we'll come over in ten"


Ken hung up and waited

Soon Chun-li and Ryu arrived

Ryu went to Ken "Nervous huh?"

Ken looked at him "What? Oh. Yeah"

Chun-li sat down holding her stomach "Five more months and I'll be doing the same thing"

Ryu kissed her "Heh I know"

A doctor came out "Mr. Masters"

Ken looked at him

"Your wife needs you"

Ken got up and went into the room. Cammy had her legs held open and she had her eyes closed she was breathing heavily and was sweating. Ken stood there in shock watching Cammy stretch seeing a baby's head protrude from her. Ken couldn't move for some reason

/ Oh my god... /

"Come in Mr. Masters" A doctor said to him but he was still watching the baby come out in shock / ....w-why can't I move? /

Cammy opened her eyes slightly to see Ken standing there still in shock watching

"K-Ken stop being stupid and get your ass over here!" She said with more force than she meant to

Ken was startled out of his state of shock he looked at Cammy then went to her he took her hand and she started to squeeze it / ow... /


Cammy kept pushing with her eyes closed and Ken watched as more of the baby came out of her. Soon the baby was out they let Ken cut the umbilical cord. And they handed the baby to Cammy

"You have a beautiful baby girl" Cammy looked down at her and smiled then she looked up at Ken

"What should we name her?"

"...something with a K"

Cammy laughed slightly


Ken looked at her "Kathryn?"

"Yeah it just came to me" Then she smiled still exhausted "And it starts with a K

Ken smiled and kissed her "I like it, so our daughter's name is Kathryn"

Cammy closed her eyes and smiled "....daughter"

Ken looked at Cammy who was starting to doze off, he kissed her again and the nurse picked Kathryn up and went to clean her off. Ken looked at Cammy again smiled then left. He went into the waiting room where Chun-li and Ryu were still waiting

Ryu looked at him "What did she have?"

Ken was grinning like an idiot "A girl"

They waited and soon a nurse told them they could see Kathryn in the infantry they got up and Ken was still grinning they stopped and the nurse showed them Kathryn

Chun-li looked through the glass

"Aww she's so cute and little"

Ken kept grinning

"What's her name?" Ryu asked


"That's pretty" Chun-li said still looking at her admiringly

Ken watched his daughter sleep and smiled again. Another nurse came and took Kathryn from inside Ken watched her walk away with her he looked at Chun-li

"Why did they take her?"

She looked at him "Cammy has to feed her"

"Oh" Ken waited for a few minutes and then a doctor walked to them "You can see your wife now"

Ken walked to Cammy's room and Chun-li and Ryu came also

Cammy was sitting up in bed holding Kathryn in her arms and she looked up when they came into the room

She smiled "Hey"

"Congrats" Ryu said

"Thank you"

Chun-li went to her and smiled "She has a lot of hair to be so young"

Ken laughed "Yeah she got that from her mother"

They laughed

~A week later April 17th 10:21pm~

Cammy was feeding Kathryn when she opened her eyes slightly Cammy looked at her and smiled "Ken" she called

He came into the room

"Come here"

He sat on the bed next to her "So what'd ya need?"

She looked at him "Look at your daughter's eyes"

He looked down at Kathryn her eyes were slightly closed then she blinked all the way and looked at him


Cammy smiled "Our daughter has blue-green eyes"

Ken grinned again he reached over and brushed away a small stray hair that was in her face "Wow she's small"

"I know"

Ken looked at Cammy "And you thought something would be wrong with her"

Cammy smiled at him "Yeah now I see I was wrong"

Ken put his hand under Cammy's chin and kissed her deeply he slowly broke it and kissed her again

"What was that for?"

He smiled "No reason"

"That was some kiss to give me for no reason"


Cammy looked down at Kathryn who had started to fall asleep she slowly took the bottle from her mouth and let out a sigh of relief

"Finally she's asleep" Cammy slowly stood up then placed her in her crib gently Cammy put a stray hair behind her ear

"Now I can finally go to sleep" Cammy walked to the bed which Ken was laying on watching her

"What?" She asked

Ken smiled "Nothing" Then he moved over so she could get in Cammy crawled into bed next to him and lay down

"I never knew having a kid would be so hard" Cammy said reaching over to turn off the light

Ken pulled her to him "Yeah well she's finally asleep"

Cammy laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes "I wonder how long that'll last"

Ken gave her a quick kiss on her forehead "Night Cam"
