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Blinky VS Balrog anniversaries approaching...

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Blinky VS Balrog anniversaries approaching...
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Street Fighter Queen

Posts: 7733
Location: Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

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Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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Please remember, this year will be nine years since we not only became anti-Balrog... but also had to say goodbye to my very sweet first Persian bundle of joy, Blinky (October 13 2002 - April 12 2012). Please use this thread for your memorials.

Blinky's successor was Mel (March 3 2012 - September 6 2019), the adorably cheeky male tabby who I sadly lost to a stomach blockage in Balrog Bashing Month 2019 - which obviously means, my ginger-and-white baby Thunder is practically Blinky the Third. Turns out, Mel was himself born just two days before we learned of the Street Fighter X Tekken thing; as well as how I initially realised, he was born exactly two weeks before Blinky was taken ill, thereby raising suspicions of him being destined to be my new baby.

In my own famous bling-tastic means of giving credit, I actually named little Mel after a former site visitor here... who unfortunately was only faking a crush on me (I'm sooooo over him now), and turned out basically to have a me-hating harem and brats. Still blissfully unaware, I thought of my kitty Mel as mine and his namesake's 'child' together.

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Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:37 pm

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Rest in peace Blinky
Sun Feb 21, 2021 7:09 pm

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Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:24 pm
Neo Senshi

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Rest in peace
Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:47 pm
Street Fighter Queen

Posts: 7733
Location: Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
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Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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Thank you both very, very much. I still miss Blinky, he was a very sweet little cat who just wanted to be everybody's friend.

But the fact he was taken ill right after we became anti-Balrog was especially painful, it made Balrog's 'closed casket funeral' remark all the more painful for me. I understand we have a few animal lovers here at the Realm, I ask them to please consider about poor Blinky.

And don't let anyone pull the 'race' card on you, just because you hate Balrog (or have any genuine, non-racist troubles... but the enemy might still pull the 'race' card just because the enemy is ethnic, for that matter)! Political correctness gone mad, much? Mom always tells me, "There's good and bad in every colour" - and even she calls Balrog 'the nasty man'!

And yes, I cannot find it in my heart to support Vega X Balrog shipping - I mean seriously, after what Balrog said and, yes, even more so after the H-bomb was thrown in with one or two such shipping attacks? Hell no!

Not even Lord of the Rings Balrog was safe from our wrath, as I knew some peeps (both friend and foe) in real life may suggest I beat up that Balrog as well! Out of the Lord of the Rings games I tried, it wasn't until six years later when I picked up the biggest such prize - namely the ultra-rare Lord of the Rings SNES game (in which the Balrog is the final boss), which I had for my 34th birthday.

And who contributed to our initial anti-Balrog efforts? Jay! On Jay's birthday, mom took Blinky for a follow-up appointment at the vet, to see if I could have Blinky back yet - he was staying with my parents, just to be safe, but I was allowed to babysit him while my parents were at work. So when mom finished work, she collected Blinky and told me to go home and wait.

Well, I arrived home only to find my 27th birthday wish had come true: Jay sent me a signed photo of himself as Vega, just like those he was signing at a charity Christmas event he attended in Deadeye Month 2011! I realised mom (who also added Jay to her Friend list, on Facebook) must have given Jay my address, so he could send me the photo. I even still have the envelope!

So when mom arrived home, telling me yes the vet said I could have Blinky back... his medical care wasn't the only topic of the day! We both agreed, a new airing was in order, as a more formal, proper thank-you to Jay - however, we had to put the airing prayers on hold for now, because of Blinky. Because of the "Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia" hate trend, we couldn't bear putting such a sweet cat at risk from being pissed all over with "Oh muahahahaha, your precious catty-watty was murdered, because he died on a day when that [insert nasty words here] live action Street Fighter movie was on TV!" - that would be so horrible!

But, as would also be the case with Raul... the lack of airings during Blinky's end-of-life care meant the Rainbow Bridge security was not needed for Blinky. And, I ended up having my first airing celebration without him in Dennis Hopper Memorial Month that year, and on the same channel (which itself only just launched, for my first celebration without Blinky) no less - during the celebrations, mom even dropped by to check on baby Mel!

Your disco needs you!
Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:38 am
Demon King/Sushi Lover/Smoker

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Natalie...seriously? When has anyone here EVER said anything bad about your cats? Be honest now. How many times have I even given you condolences over the loss of your cats, despite the fact we hate each other? That movie is shit, but I would NEVER use that as an excuse or a segue to praise the death of an animal, despite you being it's owner. I have some class, thank you very much.

Contorted spirit, distorted creed, you know that your time has come when the soil bleeds.

Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:16 am
Convention seeker

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Rest in peace Blinky

I carry the spirit and soul of the mighty "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:19 am
Street Fighter Queen

Posts: 7733
Location: Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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Kisara wrote:
Rest in peace Blinky

Thank you very, very much Kisara 0:-)

I had Blinky since I moved in to the apartment (the picture of the younger Blinky, as also seen in the Pet Gallery, was taken on the day when I first went to meet him), and yes he really was the sweetest cat I ever had. How many peeps here have cats who just wanted to be everyone's friend, like licking your face the moment you meet them at the breeder's? Blinky just sold himself to me, I tell you!

But hopeful as my parents and I were, yes I had to consider 'the dreaded back-up plan' (for lack of a better term). Yes, I realise some peeps won't cross certain lines - but there have been those who did cross, hence my family taking precautions where needed, but thankfully such was not the case for Blinky (we only needed to be 'careful' with Mel and Crystal). As for when my parents and I talk kittens, as well as my keenness on 'Mel' for a boy, for a girl I became keen on 'Okuni' - after another historical figure from Japanese history who, yes has made it to the gaming world including a few Capcom titles, just like Yoshimoto.

The only reasons I only barely pushed myself to leave my apartment, were to go shopping like for our initial Balrog bashing efforts (I quite liked Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, due to its Final Fantasy-like gameplay!), and as it turns out for frames, decoration etc. for the Jay photo; and for the occasional visits to my family, like for Easter. But I was so worried for my fur baby, I would soon hurry back home to check on him.

After we lost Blinky, I called at mom's house the very next day... and we agreed it's best that I revert to shorthairs from now on. Much as I love our Persians, we couldn't take any more chances, and yes I already -and indeed unfortunately correctly- had a feeling Raul might contract any of the same symptoms. And yes, we don't want any of those hairless breeds in the Farrell household - mom thinks they're ugly!

So when we finally decided to talk kittens the day after that, at first I had my eye on a female black kitten - but mom had trouble contacting the breeder, and so instead chose me little Mel, who was the third tabby in my family. A few months later, we had a surprise package: Jasper!

Your disco needs you!
Mon Feb 22, 2021 7:08 am

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Rest in peace. I might own a cat someday
Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:59 am
Street Fighter Queen

Posts: 7733
Location: Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
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Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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Andy wrote:
Rest in peace. I might own a cat someday

Thank you very much. What would you name your cat, if you had one - and would you send pictures for the Pet Gallery?

Your disco needs you!
Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:09 am

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Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:48 am

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If Blinky was still here he would say to blame Balrog
Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:10 am
Street Fighter Queen

Posts: 7733
Location: Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
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Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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Raven wrote:
If Blinky was still here he would say to blame Balrog

I wouldn't be surprised! Heck, when we lost Raul, I think you were among those who said to blame Balrog for him passing away - so I had to correct y'all, and state that Balrog should be blamed for the loss of Blinky instead, because of Blinky being taken ill right after we became anti-Balrog.

Of course, when I had my first airing celebration without Raul, I did point out to mom about it being not unlike my first without Blinky - i.e. the lack of airings until after we lost Blinky, and the time having come in Dennis Hopper Memorial Month (itself so-named, because of... well, why I imposed the Rainbow Bridge security AND I was eventually crowned as the 'Koopa Princess' in the first place) that year AND, as it turned out, the airings were on the same channel. Fate, anyone?

Your disco needs you!
Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:35 am
Street Fighter Queen

Posts: 7733
Location: Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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And of course, there is the inevitable aversion to closed casket funerals. Before anyone 'judges too harshly', again my family no longer forcibly expects attendance to gatherings both happy and sad - the last times mom pulled the 'expectation' crap on me, well check my articles for that, especially due to the danger of the situations in question. But no more. Don't forget, immediately before I got hexed... mom made very clear, she didn't want Gran and the by-then-very-frail Grandpa Ken to feel they have to join us for Christmas that year, just because it's Christmas!

I've only ever been to two funerals in my whole life, and both at the same very popular local funeral home no less and, I might add, both bereavements having occurred in two separate Airing Months. And yes, I watched Princess Diana's state funeral on TV, and subsequently bought the single and/or cassette tape of Elton John's special version of Candle in the Wind.

The first was an ashes-spreading for a maternal great-aunt, who we lost in 1993 - and presumably as it was my first, mom had us sing the classic All Things Bright And Beautiful as the ashes were spread. However, I was still very shy and wary... even more so when, what a surprise (!), the then-still-oh-so-stiff mom told me off for not singing instead of showing any understanding over my unease and discomfort. Can anyone spare me a wall, to kick a hole into?

The second, nearly four years before we became anti-Balrog, was the cremation service for my family friend who we lost in 2008. I didn't recognise the funereal hymn, thereby raising another concern I developed about funerals: what if any of the mourners don't know any, if not all, of the hymn/s - one way or another, would that get them in trouble?!?

Then, of course, came my discovery of Balrog's wicked comment. Yes, I knew closed casket funerals are no longer an option - and I am aware Balrog threatened Ken with a closed casket funeral in the comics, but the fact he pulled that shit on Vega has certainly put a price on the twisted boxer's head! Mom was initially insensitive about the matter, saying "It's only a game"... but she soon retracted her insensitive comment, seeing how much it hurt me, and indeed even more so again because of the unfortunate connection to little Blinky. From that, my family understood I cannot attend closed casket funerals.

Unfortunately, four years later I did eventually already have to put that aversion into practice. When my parents phoned me about Grandpa Ken, yes the good news was he was not at risk from "Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia" trolling (i.e. as we lost him on the day before an airing day, little over an hour before I started its respective final countdown) - but the bad news was, it was to be a closed casket funeral. The family understood I couldn't go, so this was probably another reason, why mom took me to see Gran to offer my own condolences; but yes, instead they were grateful for my Ken binge at the time, including how I would wear the red airing dress for until my first airing celebration without Grandpa Ken.

However, when I began that airing celebration just six days after the previous one ended (and, in turn, just a week after bereavement)... the point of the first of those airings being three days after the funeral did not go unnoticed! You know, because of Bison's three-day deadline for his ransom demand in the movie (including to surrender me to him, if not his preference for he himself kidnapping me, in later versions of the Street Fighter Movie Narration)?

And when mom attended the refreshments, she had to tell the pub manager I was the only one not in attendance - and he happily prepared a tub of snacks for me.

Your disco needs you!
Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:59 pm

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Rest in peace
Fri Feb 26, 2021 3:11 am
Neo Senshi

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Fri Feb 26, 2021 8:17 am
Street Fighter Queen

Posts: 7733
Location: Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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Neo Senshi wrote:

Thank you very, very much for this cuteness overload! I only wish you could have seen me, when I first went to meet little Blinky...

Your disco needs you!
Fri Feb 26, 2021 8:35 am

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Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:18 am
Convention seeker

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Gracia wrote:
Neo Senshi wrote:

Thank you very, very much for this cuteness overload! I only wish you could have seen me, when I first went to meet little Blinky...

Cute but now Google and a lot of other sites are making it difficult to post and share pictures

I carry the spirit and soul of the mighty "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:17 am
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